Description and Procedure
This class, my teacher answered two exercises. The first text is about Budapest, the Hungarian capital. I found the words that describe the places according to the text, such as fantastic, oldest, and delightful etc. Therefore, it made me get any vocabulary more and more. The second text is about Prague.
Budapest |
Prague |
Before teacher taught lesson 5, I watched a video about how to make omelette by Jamie Oliver. I liked to cook when I had free time. Next, I wrote vocabulary from the video. I matched each sentence with the correct picture.
How to make omelette |
Then, I watched about how to make a banana milkshake. After that, teacher explained about purpose, types of procedural texts, text organisation, and language features.
how to make a banana milkshake |
Then, she taught about how to make banana cake and chicken soup. I did the second exercises about chicken soup. Finally, I watched the video about Kylie story from my friends.
banana cake |
chicken soup |
In my opinion, the texts about Budapest and Prague were very difficult for me because vocabulary in the text is difficult to understand and I have never known about vocabulary in the text.
Thus, my problem is I couldn't understand the meaning of vocabulary so, I will read and memorize vocabulary more and more.
My attitudes towards the lesson was I felt enjoyable and very happy with this lesson because it make me get knowledge and experiences more and more.